Do You Need a Septic Tank Installer in Ann Arbor, MI?

Are you a new homeowner who needs a septic tank installer?
Is your home not connected to a municipal water system?
Are you wondering what occurs in a septic installation?
Approximately 21% of homes rely on a septic system to drain their wastewater. If you’re one of the many homeowners who need a septic tank installer, you might also be wondering what is involved in the actual installation!
The first step is to obtain a septic system permit from your local health department. They will let you know if a soil percolation test is required. The size and number of septic tanks you need will be assessed by the health department based on the info you provide.
In a perc test, the County Sanitarian and excavator will examine your soil and make sure it is able to drain water quickly enough. Several holes will be dug and filled with water in the intended drain field. The holes will must also be re-filled after the test is completed.
Find out more about perc tests and how they’re done.
Installation can begin as soon as the percolation test is completed. We are responsible for digging the holes, placing septic tanks, connecting the pieces of the septic system together, backfilling the tanks, and leaving inspection points open for future maintenance.
LaChance Brothers Excavating is an Experienced Septic Tank Installer in the Ann Arbor Area!
LaChance Brothers Excavating can completely take care of septic installation for any home! We’ve been installing drain fields and septic systems since 1956, and our experienced professionals value your comfort and satisfaction as their highest priority!
If you need a septic tank installer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, don’t hesitate to call us at (248) 962-3670 or contact us today!